Get to know the OMS Pipes Crew

OMS Pipes Owner/Sales Manager
It all started for me on Youtube back in late 2008 with documenting burley tobacco farming in the great state of Kentucky. Originally from California, I ended up here in 2008. After a job lay off, I stayed employed by transferring from Chicago to rural Kentucky. New to the area, I did not know of any pipe smokers, and all of the brick and mortar tobacconist were converting to cigars only. It did not take long to realize I was living in an era where Tobacco is quickly becoming history. The tobacco cash crop is dieing out here.
Having a background in freelance videography, I took to the tobacco fields visiting, documenting, and interviewing the farmers and I earned their respect by providing a positive, illustrious look into their world. I put a lot of time and effort into my work. What I saw was hard working folks weaving the fabric that has given this country a stature in American history that leaves a legacy of pride. To me this is what made this country great. So I’ve told their story through my lens.
We stand behind our product 100%. Having a history with artisan pipe makers such as Jake Hackert and Mark Balkovec, in collaboration with their OMS line of pipes, the OMS styling and persona became known around the world.

OMS Coffee Crew
Bean Selectors, Roasters, Aficionados, All-Around Coffee Geniuses
Meet the OMS Coffee Crew! Pictured from left To right: Chad, Deeds, Brian, OMS, LMS, and Blake. These are the brilliant craftsman of OMS Coffee. They take pride in their craft; for a few of these guys, coffee is all they do!

The Danish Pipe Shop
International Distributor
OMS Pipes is proud to announce that The Danish Pipe Shop is the international distributor for all OMS Pipes. All European buyers should visit The Danish Pipe Shop’s web site to purchase and OMS Pipe.
From the Official Danish Pipe Shop web site,
“The Danish Pipe Shop is one of the few 100% pipe and tobacco shops in Europe. The shop was bought from Poul Hansen in 1969 by Steffen Nielsen (1939-2011) and is today managed by the family of Mr. Nielsen and owned by his son Nikolaj and the daughter of Mr. Nielsen, Louise. In 2014 world famous Danish pipemaker Tom Eltang bought 20 % the shop. You can read the press release here.
Since 1969 we estimate that we have delivered about 400.000 pipes in all price ranges to satisfied customers. For many years our shop was/is the home for pipemaker pipes like Poul Ilsted, Vigen, Tao, Bjarne Pipes, Tom Eltang, Winsløw, Neerup and Nørding. It has allways been important for Mr. Nielsen to support the small pipemakers and their freehand/handmade pipes and we try to keep his philosophy alive today. Click here to read article “The temple of pipes” to learn more about the history and plans for the shop written by Nikolaj L. Nielsen (PDF).
One of the strengths of our shop is that we have allways had a wide range of pipes in the price range around 20 to 1000 Euro (today prices). We aim to please everybodys need and respect that people have very different use of and attitude toward their pipes.
The shop has always around 2000-3000 pipes on stock and is well known for having several hundreds of different pipe tobaccos to choose among. The Danish Pipe Shop is situated on the famous pedestrian street “Strøget” in the center of Copenhagen, Denmark and is therefore world famous due to international customers, tourist and our presence since 1969. To extend our relationship with both domestic and international customers we hereby provide you our web shop with a wide range of our products. Our rule number one regarding webshop is that if you do not like it send it back! No problems from our side. You shall pay the cost of the freight and thats it. We will credit the amount when we receive the pipes.
In 2013 we were announced to be the dealer of the year 2011 by My Own Blend on March the 6th 2012. The diploma (picture) was given because of the highest sales in Denmark and the extraordinary support The Danish Pipe Shop has given My Own Blend. In October 2013 the leading Danish pipe magazine had a 3 page article about the shop including the front page. You can read the article by clicking here (in Danish).
In March 2015 our CEO and the son of founder Steffen Nielsen, Nikolaj Nielsen was awarded as Pipe Man of the year 2015 in Denmark for his work with the shop and promoting pipes and tobacco. Former award winners has been ministers, actors, pop stars, celebrities, Eltang and Former so he joins a fine group of people.”